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Here at restaurant Kopun we take great pride at our efforts to bring back some of the old Croatian recipes handed down through centuries. Rich history of our country is a perfect place to search for variety in cuisine as Croatia is incredibly diverse country despite relatively small territorry it encompasses. This diversity developed throughout the turbulent history of this country fueled by a myriad of different cultural influences that we as a people came in touch with. It's time to explore...

Philosophy behind our food is quite simple: we want to show off traditional scents and flavours of Croatian cuisine.
Our emphasis is on Dubrovnik and regions of the country by the sea, but we also enjoy featuring few continental dishes as well. Our small country, due to its geographical location, has always been a meeting point of civilizations. All the historical influences: Italian, Austrian, Turkish, Hungarian, and many others, have combined to create a very diverse cuisine. This is why, to this day, there is no such thing as one Croatian national dish.
We nurture the old school of hearty and healthy meals made with quality, fresh ingredients. We prepare our food like a music composer creates music – each ingredient (instrument) has a role to play, and each is distinguishable in the end melody, and yet ,they all make up one whole. Great portion of the food in the country is still being produced organically and without genetically modified crops which make it possible to get some of the tastiest ingredients and use them in our dishes.
From meat to sea food to vegetables, our main mission is telling a story of Croatian cuisine, keeping our food interesting, and having our guests leave with smiles of content on their faces.

Our restaurant is available for all kinds of private functions, group meals, organised refreshments or snacks.

Boskovic Square or "Field" as it is popularly known amongst the locals is but a few minutes walk from the main street Stradun. Waiting for you on this, one of the most magical squares in Dubrovnik are 90 seating places, shaded during the warm days of summer, protected from light and medium percipitation, with heating for colder days or evenings, all this with a beatuifull view of Dubrovnik's classical gymansium building and the Jezuit Church of St. Ignatius. Enjoy some peace and quiet while never being more than a stone's throw away from the heart of the Old Town. Our terrace is avialable for any special function including large groups, celebrations, wedding refreshments or dinners (church of St. Ignatius is one of the most popular churches for weddings in Dubrovnik), as well as a myriad of other arrangements. Our restaurant kitchen is able to process a large number of meals in a short time without losing on the individual meal's quality and anyone whose ever organised a group meal with time constraints can surely appreciate the value of such an asset.
Our well equipped, air conditioned indoor hall with tables and seating for up to 45 persons is perfect for any sort of group functions like business dinners, family celebrations, organised tourist groups for lunch or dinner, etc... Large bar, easy access to toillette facilities, and the option of being physically separate from the outside public area may be exactly what your group needs. Restaurant Kopun's indoor area is available for pre-arranged groups and other special functions all year long, but please make sure to contact us well ahead of time during winter as we may be running at half working hours November - February. Layout of the tables and seating is subject to individual needs.
For reservations or any additional information, please use the form below.
Please note, e-mail reservations are only accepted if sent at least 24 hours ahead of time.
For last minute reservations, please call us on
+385 (0) 20 323 969 or +385 (0) 99 216 2627